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  • The submission file is in .doc, .docx, or .txt file format and adheres to the citation and formatting requirements found in the Author Guidelines at https://journal.iasa-web.org/index.php/pubs/about/submissions
  • References adhere to the requirements listed in the Author Guidelines at https://journal.iasa-web.org/index.php/pubs/about/submissions. URLs and/or DOIs have been provided for references wherever possible.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end; an include captions with all necessary credits and acknowledgments.
  • The accuracy of citations, including names, titles, dates, page numbers, and quotations, is the responsibility of the author. All information should be carefully verified before a contribution is submitted.
  • If multiple authors are listed, all approve of the submitted manuscript.
  • The text and accompanying materials do not infringe copyright or other rights elsewhere.

Information for authors

1. Articles must be submitted here to be considered for publication. You will be informed of IASA's intention to review the article by the Journal editors.

2. Submission files must be .doc, .docx or .txt files with minimal formatting. Do not use all caps; set text aligned left (not justified); use 12-point Times New Roman font throughout. 

3. Illustrations (photographs, diagrams, tables, maps, etc) may be submitted as low resolution files placed in the file at appropriate points. All illustrations should include captions with all necessary credits and acknowledgments at the time of submission. If the article is accepted for publication, high resolution copies will be required and should be sent separately. 

4. Use in-text citations that adhere to the Harvard Referencing System (quick review here: http://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing). For notes containing textual commentary that do not involve references, use footnotes, not endnotes.

5. The IASA Journal only accepts original research (i.e., not previously published, not being considered for publication elsewhere, and not containing text recycling including translated text from a prior publication).

6. IASA conference presentations may be developed into more detailed accounts and/or arguments for publication in the journal. 

7. Abstracts (maximum 250 words each) must be included with each submission and may be in French, German, Spanish, or English. Please include 3-5 keywords on the main topics of your submission following the abstract.